Welcome to the website of the Napa-Solano Psychological Association (NSPA).
If you have questions or feedback as you explore the website, we would appreciate
hearing from you via the "E-mail NSPA" link at the bottom of the page.
NSPA is a nonprofit association of licensed psychologists and is a chapter
of the
California Psychological Association (CPA).
Our approximately 50
members live in the counties of Napa, Marin, Solano, Sonoma and Yolo.
They work in many different settings, such as private practice, hospitals
and community mental health centers. All of the clinical psychologists in
NSPA are licensed by the
California Board of Psychology,
and all agree to
abide by the highest standards of ethics as set forth by the
Psychological Association.
If you are looking for a particular psychologist or for particular specialty,
please use either the "Find a Psychologist" link or the "Search" link at the
left or at the bottom of this page.
NSPA meetings are held on the third Wednesday of every month, with speakers
and/or special events presented at every other meeting in the evenings.
Whenever possible, Continuing Education Units (CEU's) are offered at evening
meetings. On alternate months, all members are invited to attend the meeting
of the Executive Committee, usually a meeting at a restaurant in Napa or
Solano. For the time, place and topic of the next meeting, see the current
newsletter or contact one of our officers.
E-mail NSPA by clicking here