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NSPA Mission

Promoting human welfare We week to promote human welfare in the community through the dispersion and utilization of psychological knowledge and services.

Increase public understanding of psychology. NSPA aims to increase public understanding of the unique contributions of psychology as a science of human behavior and as a profession.

Promoting high professional standards. NSPA promote and maintain high standards of professional ethics, conduct, education, training, and achievement as defined by the American Psychological Association, the California Psychological Association, and the California Board of Psychology.

Creative and cooperative exchange. NSPA encourages by all appropriate means the discussion and interchange of concepts and ideas in the field of psychology, while seeking to cooperate with other professional and lay organizations in achieving mutual objectives to benefit our community and the larger society.

Advancing psychology. Our goals also include the advancement of psychology as a science by promoting both theoretical and applied research in psychology, and the promulgation of psychological knowledge through meetings, professional contacts, reports, and discussions within the association and among other professional groups.


Board of Directors
& Committee Chairs

Markley Sutton, Ph.D.

Jo Gilbert, Ph.D.

Past President
Judy Speed, Ph.D.

Barrie Glen, Ph.D.

Nancy A. Piotrowski, Ph.D.

Disaster Response Chair
Dana L. Nussbaum, Ph.D.

CPA Representative
Markley Sutton, Ph.D.

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